Multi-session PS-VAE

The Partitioned Subspace VAE (PS-VAE) (see preprint here) finds a low-dimensional latent representation of a single behavioral video that is partitioned into two subspaces: a supervised subspace that reconstructs user-provided labels, and an unsupervised subspace that captures remaining variability. In practice, though, we will typically want to produce a low-dimensional latent representation that is shared across multiple experimental sessions, rather than fitting session-specific models. However, the inclusion of multiple videos during training introduces a new problem: different videos from the same experimental setup will contain variability in the experimental equipment, lighting, or even physical differences between animals, despite efforts to standardize these features. We do not want these differences (which we refer to collectively as the “background”) to contaminate the latent representation, as they do not contain the behavioral information we wish to extract for downstream analyses.

To address this issue within the framework of the PS-VAE, we introduce a new subspace into our model which captures static differences between sessions (the “background” subspace) while leaving the other subspaces (supervised and unsupervised) to capture dynamic behaviors.

As with the PS-VAE, the data HDF5 needs to be augmented to include a new HDF5 group named labels, which contains an HDF5 dataset for each trial. The labels for each trial must match up with the corresponding video frames; for example, if the image data in images/trial_0013 contains 100 frames (a numpy array of shape [100, n_channels, y_pix, x_pix]), the label data in labels/trial_0013 should contain the corresponding labels (a numpy array of shape [100, n_labels]). See the data structure documentation for more information. Also see the documentation for fitting models on multiple sessions for more information on how to specify which sessions are used for fitting in the data json.

To fit an MSPS-VAE with the default CAE BehaveNet architecture, edit the model_class, ps_vae.alpha, ps_vae.beta,, n_background, n_sessions_per_batch and ps_vae.anneal_epochs parameters of the ae_model.json file:

"experiment_name": "ae-example",
"model_type": "conv",
"n_ae_latents": 12,
"l2_reg": 0.0,
"rng_seed_model": 0,
"fit_sess_io_layers": false,
"ae_arch_json": null,
"model_class": "msps-vae",
"ps_vae.alpha": 1000,
"ps_vae.beta": 10,
"": 50,
"ps_vae.anneal_epochs": 100,
"n_background": 3,
"n_sessions_per_batch": 2,
"conditional_encoder": false

The n_background parameter sets the dimensionality of the background subspace; we find 3 works well in practice. The n_sessions_per_batch parameter determines how many many sessions comprise a single batch during training; this value should be greater than 1 for the triplet loss to work. The current implementation supports values of n_sessions_per_batch = [2, 3, 4].

To fit the model, use the function using this updated model json. You will also need to update the data json as detailed here. See the hyperparameter search guide for information on how to efficiently search over the ps_vae.alpha, ps_vae.beta, and hyperparameters.