
The next step of the BehaveNet pipeline uses the neural activity to decode (or reconstruct) aspects of behavior. In particular, you may decode either the AE latents or the ARHMM states on a frame-by-frame basis given the surrounding window of neural activity.

The architecture options consist of a linear model or feedforward neural network: exact architecture parameters such as number of layers in the neural network can be specified in decoding_ae_model.json or decoding_arhmm_model.json. The size of the window of neural activity used to reconstruct each frame of AE latents or ARHMM states is set by n_lags: the neural activity from t-n_lags:t+n_lags will be used to predict the latents or states at time t.

To begin fitting decoding models, copy the example json files decoding_ae_model.json, decoding_arhmm_model.json, decoding_compute.json, and decoding_training.json into your .behavenet directory. cd to the behavenet directory in the terminal, and run:

Decoding ARHMM states:

$: python behavenet/fitting/ --data_config ~/.behavenet/musall_vistrained_params.json --model_config ~/.behavenet/decoding_arhmm_model.json --training_config ~/.behavenet/decoding_training.json --compute_config ~/.behavenet/decoding_compute.json


Decoding AE latents:

$: python behavenet/fitting/ --data_config ~/.behavenet/musall_vistrained_params.json --model_config ~/.behavenet/decoding_ae_model.json --training_config ~/.behavenet/decoding_training.json --compute_config ~/.behavenet/decoding_compute.json

It is also possible to decode the motion energy of the AE latents, defined as the absolute value of the difference between neighboring time points; to do so make the following change in the model json: model_class: 'neural-ae-me'

Decoding with subsets of neurons

Continuing with the toy dataset introduced in the data structure documentation, below are some examples for how to modify the decoding data json file to decode from user-specified groups of neurons:

Example 0:

Use all neurons:

"subsample_idxs_group_0": null, // not used
"subsample_idxs_group_1": null, // not used
"subsample_idxs_dataset": null, // not used
"subsample_method": "none"      // no subsampling, use all neurons

Example 1:

Use the indices in the HDF5 dataset regions/idxs_lr/AUD_L:

"subsample_idxs_group_0": "regions", // top-level group
"subsample_idxs_group_1": "idxs_lr", // second-level group
"subsample_idxs_dataset": "AUD_L",   // dataset name
"subsample_method": "single"         // subsample, use single region

Example 2:

Fit separate decoders for each dataset of indices in the HDF5 group regions/idxs_lr:

"subsample_idxs_group_0": "regions", // top-level group
"subsample_idxs_group_1": "idxs_lr", // second-level group
"subsample_idxs_dataset": "all",     // dataset name
"subsample_method": "single"         // subsample, use single regions

In this toy example, these options will fit 4 decoders, each using a different set of indices: AUD_R, AUD_L, VIS_L, and VIS_R.


At this time the option subsample_idxs_dataset can only accept a single string as an argument; therefore you can use all to fit decoders using all datasets in the specified index group, or you can specify a single dataset (e.g. AUD_L in this example). You cannot, for example, provide a list of strings.

Example 3:

Use all indices except those in the HDF5 dataset regions/idxs_lr/AUD_L (“loo” stands for “leave-one-out”):

"subsample_idxs_group_0": "regions", // top-level group
"subsample_idxs_group_1": "idxs_lr", // second-level group
"subsample_idxs_dataset": "AUD_L",   // dataset name
"subsample_method": "loo"            // subsample, use all but specified region

In this toy example, the combined neurons from AUD_R, VIS_L and VIS_R would be used for decoding (i.e. not the neurons in the specified region AUD_L).

Example 4:

For each dataset in regions/indxs_lr, fit a decoder that uses all indices except those in the dataset:

"subsample_idxs_group_0": "regions", // top-level group
"subsample_idxs_group_1": "idxs_lr", // second-level group
"subsample_idxs_dataset": "all",     // dataset name
"subsample_method": "loo"            // subsample, use all but specified region

Again referring to the toy example, these options will fit 4 decoders, each using a different set of indices:

  1. AUD_L, VIS_L, and VIS_R (not AUD_R)

  2. AUD_R, VIS_L, and VIS_R (not AUD_L)

  3. AUD_R, AUD_L, and VIS_L (not VIS_R)

  4. AUD_R, AUD_L, and VIS_R (not VIS_L)

Decoding arbitrary covariates

BehaveNet also uses the above decoding infrastructure to allow users to decode an arbitrary set of labels from neural activity; these could be markers from pose estimation software, stimulus information, or other task variables. In order to fit these models, the data HDF5 needs to be augmented to include a new HDF5 group named labels, which contains an HDF5 dataset for each trial. See the data structure documentation for more information.

Once the labels have been added to the data file, you can decode labels as you would CAE latents above; the only changes that are necessary is the addition of the field n_labels in the data json, and changing the model class in the model json from either neural-ae or neural-arhmm to neural-labels.


The current BehaveNet implementation only allows for decoding continuous labels using a Gaussian noise distribution; support for binary and count data forthcoming.