PS-VAE hyperparameter search guide

The PS-VAE objective function \(\mathscr{L}_{\text{PS-VAE}}\) is comprised of several different terms:

\[\mathscr{L}_{\text{PS-VAE}} = \mathscr{L}_{\text{frames}} + \alpha \mathscr{L}_{\text{labels}} + \mathscr{L}_{\text{KL-s}} + \mathscr{L}_{\text{ICMI}} + \beta \mathscr{L}_{\text{TC}} + \mathscr{L}_{\text{DWKL}}\]


  • \(\mathscr{L}_{\text{frames}}\): log-likelihood of the video frames

  • \(\mathscr{L}_{\text{labels}}\): log-likelihood of the labels

  • \(\mathscr{L}_{\text{KL-s}}\): KL divergence of the supervised latents

  • \(\mathscr{L}_{\text{ICMI}}\): index-code mutual information of the unsupervised latents

  • \(\mathscr{L}_{\text{TC}}\): total correlation of the unsupervised latents

  • \(\mathscr{L}_{\text{DWKL}}\): dimension-wise KL of the unsupervised latents

There are two important hyperparameters of the model that we address below: \(\alpha\), which weights the reconstruction of the labels, and \(\beta\), which weights the factorization of the unsupervised latent space. The purpose of this guide is to propose a series of model fits that efficiently explores this space of hyperparameters, as well as point out several BehaveNet plotting utilities to assist in this exploration.

How to select \(\alpha\)

The hyperparameter \(\alpha\) controls the strength of the label log-likelihood term, which needs to be balanced against the frame log-likelihood term. We first recommend z-scoring each individual label, which removes the scale of the labels as a confound. We then recommend fitting models with a range of \(\alpha\) values, while setting the defaults \(\beta=1\) (no extra weight on the total correlation term). In our experience the range \(\alpha=[50, 100, 500, 1000]\) is a reasonable range to start with. The “best” value for \(\alpha\) is subjective because it involves a tradeoff between pixel log-likelihood (or the related mean square error, MSE) and label log-likelihood (or MSE). After choosing a suitable value, we will fix \(\alpha\) and vary \(\beta\).

How to select \(\beta\)

The choice of \(\beta\) is more difficult because there does not yet exist a single robust measure of “disentanglement” that can tell us which models learn a suitable unsupervised representation. Instead we will fit models with a range of hypeparameters, then use a quantitative metric to guide a qualitative analysis.

A reasonable range to start with is \(\beta=[1, 5, 10, 20]\). How, then, do we choose the “best” value of \(\beta\)? Currently our best advice is to compute the correlation of the training data across all pairs of unsupervised dimensions. The value of \(\beta\) that minimizes the average of the pairwise correlations is a good place to start more qualitative evaluations.

Ultimately, the choice of the “best” model comes down to a qualitative evaluation, the latent traversal. A latent traversal is the result of changing the value of a latent dimension while keeping the value of all other latent dimensions fixed. If the model has learned an interpretable representation then the resulting generated frames should show one single behavioral feature changing per dimension - an arm, or a jaw, or the chest (see below for more information on tools for constructing and visualizing these traversals). In order to choose the “best” model, we perform these latent traversals for all values of \(\beta\) and look at the resulting latent traversal outputs. The model with the (subjectively) most interpretable dimensions is then chosen.

A note on model robustness

We have found the PS-VAE to be somewhat sensitive to initialization of the neural network parameters. We also recommend choosing the set of hyperparamters with the lowest pairwise correlations and refitting the model with several random seeds (by changing the rng_seed_model parameter of the ae_model.json file), which may lead to even better results.

Tools for investigating PS-VAE model fits

The functions listed below are provided in the BehaveNet plotting module (behavenet.plotting) to facilitate model checking and comparison at different stages.

Hyperparameter search visualization

The function behavenet.plotting.cond_ae_utils.plot_hyperparameter_search_results() creates a variety of diagnostic plots after the user has performed the \(\alpha\) search and the \(\beta\) search detailed above:

  • pixel mse as a function of \(\alpha\), num latents (for fixed \(\beta\))

  • label mse as a function of \(\alpha\), num_latents (for fixed \(\beta\))

  • pixel mse as a function of \(\beta\) (for fixed \(\alpha\), n_ae_latents)

  • label mse as a function of \(\beta\) (for fixed \(\alpha\), n_ae_latents)

  • index-code mutual information (part of the KL decomposition) as a function of \(\beta\) (for fixed \(\alpha\), n_ae_latents)

  • total correlation (part of the KL decomposition) as a function of \(\beta\) (for fixed \(\alpha\), n_ae_latents)

  • dimension-wise KL (part of the KL decomposition) as a function of \(\beta\) (for fixed \(\alpha\), n_ae_latents)

  • average correlation coefficient across all pairs of unsupervised latent dims as a function of \(\beta\) (for fixed \(\alpha\), n_ae_latents)

These plots help with the selection of hyperparameter settings.

Model training curves

The function behavenet.plotting.cond_ae_utils.plot_psvae_training_curves() creates training plots for each term in the PS-VAE objective function for a single model:

  • total loss

  • pixel mse

  • label \(R^2\) (note the objective function contains the label MSE, but \(R^2\) is easier to parse)

  • KL divergence of supervised latents

  • index-code mutual information of unsupervised latents

  • total correlation of unsupervised latents

  • dimension-wise KL of unsupervised latents

A function argument allows the user to plot either training or validation curves. These plots allow the user to check whether or not models have trained to completion.

Label reconstruction

The function behavenet.plotting.cond_ae_utils.plot_label_reconstructions() creates a series of plots that show the true labels and their PS-VAE reconstructions for a given list of batches. These plots are useful for qualitatively evaluating the supervised subspace of the PS-VAE; a quantitative evaluation (the label MSE) can be found in the metrics.csv file created in the model folder during training.

Latent traversals: plots

The function behavenet.plotting.cond_ae_utils.plot_latent_traversals() displays video frames representing the traversal of chosen dimensions in the latent space. This function uses a single base frame to create all traversals.

Latent traversals: movies

The function behavenet.plotting.cond_ae_utils.make_latent_traversal_movie() creates a multi-panel movie with each panel showing traversals of an individual latent dimension. The traversals will start at a lower bound, increase to an upper bound, then return to a lower bound; the traversal of each dimension occurs simultaneously. It is also possible to specify multiple base frames for the traversals; the traversal of each base frame is separated by several blank frames.